Thursday, May 7, 2009

By Demand

So really, this time, it's going to happen. I'm terrible at this kind of thing, but by demand on the 'rents, family, and friends, this was the easiest way to document my summer.

To the title of the post, it's slightly sentimental (and very out of character,) but this is the one lullaby from my childhood that my mom would read over and over again (for note, I was was blinkin', we had to say the our name as mom read through the poem). The theme of dream catching I thought was pertinent to this blog and summer. Mom, you oft throw your hands up in despair over how little we seem to listen to you, but know this one stuck.

After five airports, I landed in Tel Aviv, at the bleary-eyed time of 2:30 AM. It was mostly uneventful, and I would like to say the US Airways guy in the Charlotte airport restored my faith in customer service. I guarantee if he had not taken a half hour to painstakenly write out my travel plans on my luggage, it would not have made it onto the four planes that it did.

An extremely shy Palestinian man picked me up at the airport, and when I spoke Arabic to him (in my disjointed and hopeless way) he got over the shy-factor pretty fast, tumbling quickly into the marriage, boyfriend, conversation- starting out with the ؛ حلوة؛ and then moving into the beautiful comments. Oh, Middle East, how I missed you and your forward gentlemen. He was extremely helpful, and his willingness to offer assistance was something I've come across frequently in the past day (a discussion on motives aside). My dear friend Yossie was sure he had me convinced he was an international singer with a girlfriend in Switzerland, and just wanted to practice his English with me. Now, Yossie, you know how to say philanthropic. A good days' work, yes?

I won't bore you with the logistical details of the day, but my hostel is absolutely beautiful in a very nostalgic way; I can see the Dome of the Rock and the majority of the Old City from the roof. In my wanderings, I came across a gentleman who called himself Vin Diesel, and I think out of boredom, proceeded to tell me his life story of international girlfriends and crumbling business as a result of the political situation. I had some amazing hummus, listening to the Call to Prayer over the city of Jerusalem, and soaked it all in. I'm here. Wow. And tomorrow, I get to work.

PS I'll go ahead and throw out a huge THANK YOU to Mr. Burch- who made this trip possible with his generosity.

Winkin', Blinkin', and Nod, one night sailed off in a wooden shoe;

Sailed on a river of crystal light into a sea of dew.

"Where are you going and what do you wish?" the old moon asked the three.

"We've come to fish for the herring fish that live in this beautiful sea.

Nets of silver and gold have we," said Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod.

The old moon laughed and sang a song as they rocked in the wooden shoe.

And the wind that sped them all night long ruffled the waves of dew.

Now the little stars are the herring fish that live in that beautiful sea;

"Cast your nets wherever you wish never afraid are we!"

So cried the stars to the fishermen three - Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod.

So all night long their nets they threw to the stars in the twinkling foam.

'Til down from the skies came the wooden shoe bringing the fishermen home.

'Twas all so pretty a sail it seemed as if it could not be.

Some folks say 'twas a dream they dreamed of sailing that misty sea.

But I shall name you the fishermen three - Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod.

Now Winkin' and Blinkin' are two little eyes and Nod is a little head.

And the wooden shoe that sailed the skies is a wee ones trundle bed.

So close your eyes while mother sings of wonderful sights that be.

And you shall see those beautiful things as you sail on the misty sea

Where the old shoe rocked the fishermen three - Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod.

--Eugene Field

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