Thursday, July 30, 2009


I was finally able to get an album up (link on the sidebar)- considering how long it took to do so in relationship to my patience, it will probably be one a week tops. These are mostly of the people I work with and the activities that we do.

Hell's Gate and Kilifi were beyond expectations- but since I was on a bus from 10 pm last night to 6 am, then went straight to work to conduct a grueling information session, I'm going to bed. So the detailed post is coming soon.

In the meantime, the State Department is sending out ridiculously and overly terrifying emails about Kenya- while there is a reason to be aware of your surroundings, the emails sounds like all Westerners should shut themselves behind their security walls and electric fences. The boy who cried wolf, anyone? Maybe I'm naive, but sometimes I wonder if we inject so much fear into our daily lives, confusing the line between peaking around corners for the terrorists and having common sense about personal security. Things happen- all you can do is find the balance between living to the fullest extent and being smart about it. Terrifying emails three times only makes me delete them.

And dear family and friends, I love you all and thank you for the many birthday messages- and this seems slightly ironic as a follow-up to the last paragraph, but considering the multiple 'be safe!!!!!! (continued exclamation marks) and Mom playing postmaster for the family about sending the message I'm being to risky, I thought I would make a blanket statement in saying I'm fine, and while you all may have legitimate concerns about my common sense, most of the time I have people to keep me in check. Just kidding. But really, I have every intention of making it back to the US in one piece, and I'm finding the safety balance just fine.

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